How a Single Quilt Made the Entire Church Cry

By Anna J.

Ever had a moment where your whole world just flipped upside down, even though nobody said a word?

Here’s my heartwarming tale of one such moment that changed my life forever…

The Discovery That Made Me See Life Differently

Last year, my dear grandma passed into eternity, but she had one final wish – to hold onto her quilts, so our memories together could live on.

As a child, I just saw quilting as her hobby. But then, the true meaning behind her craft hit me.

Her quilts were stories of our lives. Stories of picnics, late-night talks, and every "just because" surprise she'd stitched together...

Her creations had been our superhero capes when growing up, our tents for brave adventures, and our shields from scary thunderstorms. These quilts were filled with love and memories.

Grandma had left, but her love would always be with us.

Here are some of her most beautiful quilts, each one a reminder of her love and the special moments we shared together: 

The Moment of Breathtaking Discovery

Following my grandma's unexpected passing, I was overwhelmed by grief. However, on the day of her funeral, something extraordinary happened.

In an old church in the suburbs of Philadelphia, I experienced a life-changing moment

Inside the church, dozens of her beautiful quilts decorated the pews, walls, and altar. Each one reminded me of her presence, filling my heart with warmth in my time of sadness. 

Everywhere I looked, there was a piece of her!

How My Grandma's Final Gift Gave Me a New Purpose

As I rushed home that evening after the funeral, I wanted to be like Grandma! I wanted to give my children, and someday my grandchildren, that feeling of being unconditionally loved.

That was the day I decided to start quilting, and let me tell you, it was a bumpy ride in the beginning. 

My hands couldn't stitch straight, and I had no idea how to make the corners meet without bunching the cloth. And don't get me started on pattern coordination… 

Grandma made it look easy, but I didn't have her by my side to show me how.

So, I went online to find help. I joined many quilting communities, asked for advice, and, to my surprise, the same name kept popping up: Mrs. Quilty Box.

Everyone said it was perfect for newbies like me.


I thought, "Why not?" and signed up. Three days later, when the first box arrived on my doorstep, it was like getting a care package from Grandma herself!

Turn Memories to Quilts with Mrs. Quilty's Beginner-Friendly Kit

The Mrs. Quilty Kit is your ticket to creating beautiful quilts effortlessly, month after month.

And let me tell you, it had EVERYTHING I needed to start quilting with confidence:

But you know, those weren't the only things that made me fall in love with this box…

Mrs. Quilty's loving guidance made me feel as though Grandma was speaking to me, encouraging me not to give up on the first mishap.

With every box, my skills evolved, and my confidence grew. Every quilt I finished made me feel closer to her. Plus, I could finally craft handmade gifts for the people I love the most: my children!

How Mrs. Quilty Changed Lives

Looking for more fun and creativity? Need a little comfort during tough times? Want to make special gifts for loved ones? Try Mrs. Quilty Box today and see what you can create!

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Mrs. Quilty is not just a subscription service – it's also joining a cozy club of fellow quilting enthusiasts!

We share projects, guidance, tips, and tons of inspiration.

Subscribe to join our community and let's make some beautiful quilts together!


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